The Love that fills the Sky
Satsang with ShantiMayi - January 12, 1998 India.
Playing time 1h22
MP4 Order Code D10
ShantiMayi talks on: -The love that fills the sky, all of space and is always present. -Love burns everything away. -That what you are, is always untouched. -How not to react in situations: just remain in the heart. -You will have to come to a space, where nothing can disturb you. -Seeing God in everything. -Grace working in your life. The three kinds of grace. It is grace that brings you into that insightful moment, when you say: "Yes, now this is my challenge", rather then: "I am beaten down again". Grace is the one that always turns the view to something very useful. When your self-concern has just drained out of you, this is when grace is really blooming like a rose.